Sunday, December 2, 2012


The night before a morning ride involves a predictable routine. After prepping my bottles and tossing them in the fridge, I check the hourly weather report 2-3 times from 2-3 different sources. After settling on the predicted temperatures I run through what I wear in when I ride in the predicated temperatures. I also try to recall what I wore on last ride in this temperature range and if what I wore worked for that ride. After settling on what I’ll wear, I lay the gear out, usually on the floor outside my bedroom.

There’s a sense of excitement and anticipation that accompanies this process. I think about the ride that’s coming up and who (if anyone) I expect to be with me, the route we’ll take, how many miles we’ll cover. It’s not unusual to have a difficult time falling asleep due to the anticipation. I suppose that sounds stupid, after all, it’s just a bike ride- but I can’t help it, I always expect the ride to be a great one.

In the morning I wake up, drink some water and usually eat some cereal and a banana. I do  some stretching, I dress, grab my bottles and head to my bike. I give it a once over, check the tire pressure and then I’m ready to ride. 


  1. I like the title. :) Actually, I am supposed to be using this little break in the day to write a talk on that very topic - but here I am instead. Maybe it's a sign.

  2. I like the title too...and little else. Truth is, the idea for this one came while riding and I published due to timing more than feeling like it was ready.

    The preparation and anticipation both come from having experiences with the bike in the past and yet in some ways you are never fully prepared for the ride. Things will happen that you never expected or anticipated. Seems analogous to Advent/ faith. We have experienced Christ and we prepare and anticipate but its inadequate (yet adequate) and we are constantly surprised.

    I you can see, published for timing more than because it was fully developed. Thanks for popping in and leaving a comment.
